Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Few options for treatment of cancer

Cancer is a disease that makes most people shirks at the thought of getting it. It has no cure and the treatment can cause many unpleasant side effects. 

Cancer can affect anyone at any time; it is not biased to gender, age, race or creed. There is no known cure for cancer and treatment is usually just a method used to prolong the life of the afflicted person by a few months or years. The side effects of the treatment are very harsh and usually end up making a person feel quite sick.     

Nasal Cancer

Usually nasal cancer is only detected in the later stages as in the early stages it does not have any symptoms. The symptoms that start to occur for nasal cancer are mainly sinus related and most people end up getting treated for sinus related problems. Common symptoms are persistent nasal congestion which is very easily mistaken for the common cold or sinusitis problem.  

In the early stages of cancer the treatment used is radio therapy. This has proved to be quite effective in destroying the cancer cells and hence a cure. For abnormal growths, surgery is used to remove the tumour and radiation is used in the surrounding areas. Chemo therapy is used in with a combination of radiation in more advanced cases. This is the only treatment for cancer however advanced it may be.

Preventive treatment

There is no way to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Early detection is critical for a patient’s survival. Screening for cancer is the only way to detect the cancer in the early stages. If the cancer is detected in the initial stages they are given what is known as preventive treatment. The survival chance of a person with cancer who is taking preventive treatment is 90%. The NP Screen is a screening that is performed for the early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer. It is a genetic based test and a simple and painless procedure.

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