Thursday, 25 December 2014

Different cancer prevention methods

Embedded image permalinkIt is possible to reduce the risk of several cancers through dietary and various other lifestyle changes. The way the risk can be reduced largely depends on the particular type of cancer.

Tobacco use

Use of tobacco is directly linked with one third of all types of cancers. By not smoking and avoiding tobacco smoke exposure, one can greatly minimize the risk of kidney, lung, bladder, head and neck cancer. By avoiding use of smokeless tobacco, one can reduce the risk of cancer of the tongue and the mouth. 

Lifestyle modifications

Other lifestyle modifications reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Reducing intake of alcohol lessens the risk of neck and head, liver and esophageal cancer. Well reduced intake of fat seems to decrease the risk of colon and breast cancer. If you avoid sun exposure, you can reduce the risk of skin cancer. By covering exposed skin and applying a good sunscreen lotion with a SPF of at least 15 will protect the skin from harsh ultraviolet rays. Pap test is a cancer prevention treatment in the sense that it can help prevent cervical cancer as it diagnoses the precancerous changes in the cells present in the cervix. 


Vaccination prevents a few types of cancers caused by viruses; especially, cervical cancer is caused due to infections with specific strains of HPV that is sexually transmitted. Vaccination against HPV can largely prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer. The virus also increases the risk of anal cancer as well as some types of head and neck cancer. 

Importance of early detection

Early detection of precancerous growths of cancerous cells is an important cancer prevention treatment by itself. Women over 40 years of age must have yearly mammograms so as to detect breast cancers as they may be curable when detected early. Likewise, people over 50 years of age must have a colonoscopy annually to detect for polyps or early cancer of the colon.
The best way to detect cancer at a very early stage and thereby resort to the successful treatment of the disease, resorting to NP Screen kit is the best choice.

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