Thursday, 25 December 2014

Different cancer prevention methods

Embedded image permalinkIt is possible to reduce the risk of several cancers through dietary and various other lifestyle changes. The way the risk can be reduced largely depends on the particular type of cancer.

Tobacco use

Use of tobacco is directly linked with one third of all types of cancers. By not smoking and avoiding tobacco smoke exposure, one can greatly minimize the risk of kidney, lung, bladder, head and neck cancer. By avoiding use of smokeless tobacco, one can reduce the risk of cancer of the tongue and the mouth. 

Lifestyle modifications

Other lifestyle modifications reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Reducing intake of alcohol lessens the risk of neck and head, liver and esophageal cancer. Well reduced intake of fat seems to decrease the risk of colon and breast cancer. If you avoid sun exposure, you can reduce the risk of skin cancer. By covering exposed skin and applying a good sunscreen lotion with a SPF of at least 15 will protect the skin from harsh ultraviolet rays. Pap test is a cancer prevention treatment in the sense that it can help prevent cervical cancer as it diagnoses the precancerous changes in the cells present in the cervix. 


Vaccination prevents a few types of cancers caused by viruses; especially, cervical cancer is caused due to infections with specific strains of HPV that is sexually transmitted. Vaccination against HPV can largely prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer. The virus also increases the risk of anal cancer as well as some types of head and neck cancer. 

Importance of early detection

Early detection of precancerous growths of cancerous cells is an important cancer prevention treatment by itself. Women over 40 years of age must have yearly mammograms so as to detect breast cancers as they may be curable when detected early. Likewise, people over 50 years of age must have a colonoscopy annually to detect for polyps or early cancer of the colon.
The best way to detect cancer at a very early stage and thereby resort to the successful treatment of the disease, resorting to NP Screen kit is the best choice.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a type of cancer which occurs in the nasopharynx, a part of the muscular area located between the back of the throat and the nose. 

Symptoms of NPC
The symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma resemble those of more common conditions.
Noticeable symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma include:
·         Formation of a lump in the neck due to swollen lymph node.
·         Discharge of blood from the nose
·         Nasal congestion
·         Frequent ear infections
·         Headaches
Cancer starts when one or more genetic factors contribute to the abnormal growth of normal cells, spreading to adjoining tissues. In nasopharyngeal carcinomas, this unwanted growth process occurs in the outer surface of the nasopharynx. 

Risk factors
The following factors have been identified to contribute towards the risk of developing nasopharyngeal carcinoma

·         Sex. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is more prevalent in men.
·         Race. This type of cancer is found to affect the population in Northern Africa and Asia.
·         Age. Nasopharyngeal cancer is found in adults who are in their thirties to fifties.
·         Salt-cured foods. Exposure to Chemicals released when cooking salt-cured foods like fish and preserved vegetables can pass through the nasal cavity increasing the risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
·         Epstein-Barr virus. Epstein-Barr virus is linked to several forms of cancers including nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
·         Family history. Previous history among family member with nasopharyngeal carcinoma can increases your risk of the disease.

Tests to diagnose nasopharyngeal carcinoma

·         Physical exam. Diagnosing NPC generally starts with a general check up. Your doctor may press on the back of your neck to identify any swelling in your lymph nodes.
·         Nasal endoscopy. If nasopharyngeal carcinoma is predicted, your physician may recommend for a nasal endoscopy. 
·         Test to remove a sample of suspicious cells. Your doctor will use the endoscope for collecting a small tissue sample for biopsy.
These days, a more convenient and accurate system of diagnosing this type of cancer has been introduced. The NP Screen test kit is an excellent diagnostic tool that helps in the early detection of NPC. Early detection means early treatment and successful treatment. So, the NP Screen is really a great way to diagnose this type of cancer.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

What Are the Different Cancer Treatment Options?

Cancer is easily the deadliest diseases man has ever witnessed. However, early cancer detection can pave way for reliable treatment options and provides chances for the survival of the patient. 

Different Cancer Treatment Methods 

Surgery - Surgery is perhaps the common cancer treatment. It is the first line of treatment opted for tumors that are solid in nature. During the early stages, if cancer is detected, surgery can help save the patient. Through surgery by experts, cancerous cells can be removed. Besides, using surgery, other benign growths can also be gotten rid of. 

Radiation therapy - If surgery doesn’t work, doctors generally advise the patients to undergo radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and surgery. The main goal of this therapy is to kill the cells producing cancer. Cancerous cells are destroyed with the help of high beam rays. 

Chemotherapy - Hormonal treatments are opted as a treatment for cancer in order to prevent cell growth. One can opt for chemotherapy to destroy the cancer cells. Chemicals work by damaging and killing the malignant cells and also prevent further production of these cells. 

Various types of targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is comparatively a newer way used in the treatment of cancer. The treatment is initiated by targeting a few particular types of processes and proteins that are largely limited to cancer cells. Doing so, it prevents the growth of cancerous cells. Physicians also make use of biological response modifier. According to this, the treatment involves the function of normal and natural looking proteins that induce the growth of the body and defend the body against cancer cells.

Vaccines A few types of vaccines that forms a good defense mechanism is also given to treat cancer. These vaccines normally consist of some type of proteins. These proteins guard the body against various types of cancer. 

Provided all these treatment options do not work, a range of complementary and alternative methods are used. These methods are usually not practiced by doctors who are conventional. These methods include herbal therapy, mind-body approaches, and animal derived methods. However, these may interfere with the modern medicine and approaches. 

For early cancer detection, especially NPC or nasopharyngeal carcinoma, NP Screen cancer screening kit is the right choice. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Nasopharyngeal cancer – Symptoms and treatment options

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a very rare type of cancer affecting the nasopharynx. It is important to know the symptoms, causes, diagnostic procedures and treatment options in order to be well informed on this type of cancer.

Normally, this cancer is confused with other kinds of cancer that also affect the area such as oesophageal cancer and laryngeal cancer. NPC varies significantly from other types of cancers of the neck and head in terms of causes, occurrence, clinical behavior, and treatment. This cancer is more common in several regions of Africa and East Asia than other parts of the world. 

Nasopharyngeal cancer - Signs and symptoms 

It is not easy to identify nasopharyngeal cancer as the symptoms are much similar to various other less serious health conditions. A lot of people with this cancer do not show any symptoms until cancer reaches an advanced stage.

Major symptoms include:

·         Hearing loss (generally in one ear)
·         Lump in the neck
·         Tinnitus
·         Stuffy or blocked nose
·         Nosebleeds 

If you develop symptoms that worry you, you must see your general physician right away, especially if the condition doesn’t improve after several weeks. While most of the times these symptoms are not likely to be a result of NPC, it is good to get them checked. 

How nasopharyngeal cancer is treated

A range of treatments are available for those suffering from NPC. A few treatments are standard and a few are tested in clinical trials. If a person is diagnosed with NPC, he or she will be taken care of by a team of various specialists that work together. The team will discuss with the patient about the best treatment option in his or her case. 

Major treatment options for NPC are:

Radiotherapy – Radiation is used to destroy cancer cells
Chemotherapy –Medication is used to kill the cancer cells 

In most of the cases, a combination of these two treatments is used. Surgery is generally not used to treat NPC as it is not easy for surgeons to gain access to the affected area. If diagnosed in early stages, there are ample chances for the patient to get complete cure from this type of cancer. 

To detect NPC at an early stage and save the life of a person, it is ideal to undergo NP Screen test, a highly valued and standard test for diagnosing NPC.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Screening Tests To Detect Cancer

Cancer does not cause any kind of symptoms. Therefore, one should have screening tests performed to diagnose cancer at an early stage. Only then, the condition will be cured. 

How is cancer diagnosed?

If a patient has a sign that he or she might have cancer, the physician will perform a physical exam and will ask about the medical history of the patient. Besides, the physician will order for various exams and tests for cancer detection.  These tests may include imaging procedures that generate pictures of the areas inside the body; endoscopy that allows the physician to have a look inside certain organs directly, and lab tests. In most of the cases, the physician also orders a biopsy to check for cancerous cells. 

Screening tests help in detecting cancer at a very early stage so that successful treatment for cancer is geared immediately. If symptoms start to appear, it means that cancer has already grown and has started to spread. This makes cancer more difficult to treat and cure. 

There are different types of cancer screening tests. They are:

Physical exam - It involves examining the body to verify normal signs of health or signs of illness such as lumps or something that is likely to be odd. 

Lab tests Laboratory tests involve a series of medical procedures like blood test, urine test, sample tissue test, and tests that involve various other substances in the body.

Imaging procedures It includes X-ray, CT scan, PET scan and other similar procedures. 

Genetic tests - It looks for particular gene mutations that are connected to a few types of cancer.
The worst aspect of these cancer screening tests is that they are risky at times. A few of them pose potential risks as they do not convey the exact message. It is important to know of the risks involved in these tests and whether they have been proven to minimize the chances of the patient dying from the disease or not. 

What’s more, in case of some cancer screening tests, false negative test results and false-positive test results are also possible! Therefore, one should rely on a proven test for cancer detection such as the NP Screen kit.